Thursday, December 31, 2009

Sacred Singleness by Leslie Ludy

New Year's is traditionally the time we set aside to think back on our lives and plan ahead for our futures. I don't do that so much anymore...not because I don't like plans, but because I tend to put too much focus on my own plans. I love setting goals and working out details, trying to decide which paths I want my life to take and the best ways to get there. I have been learning the last several years that my plans are not always best. One of the plans I have had since I was a little girl was that I would one day be a wife and a mother. I don't know why God has not chosen for me to fill these roles yet, but it is my earnest desire that I will only marry in God's perfect timing.

This is the theme of Sacred Singleness, by Leslie Ludy and it is this overwhelming thought that I want to be my theme for this coming year. Exchanging my agenda for Christ's. She writes in the introduction that "this book is about laying down your life for Jesus Christ; surrendering every hope, dream, desire, and ambition to Him. Exchanging your own agenda for His. Awakening to His glorious purpose for this sacred season of your life."

Dying daily to self and shifting our energy and devotion to serving Christ is the constant focus of the Ludy books, one that sets them apart from many contemporary Christian authors. While there are many books implying that we are able to manipulate God's blessings on our lives, "submit" to Him so He will give you what you want, this is not a message you will find from Leslie. "Even though having the specific desires of our heart fulfilled is very often a by-product of surrender to Christ, it cannot be our reason for pouring out our all upon His precious feet. Our reason must be passionate love for Him, with no strings attached."

So, instead of making a list of all I hope to accomplish in this new year, I will be establishing just one goal..."die daily to my own wants, ambitions, whims, and desires."

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